We continue ...

Plan before the poll and after the poll

Sketches made by the skaters

Sketches made by the street workout initiative

Plan before the poll and after the poll
January - March 2021
From January to March 2021, around 100 young people expressed their wishes for the redesign of the square via the Instagram survey and in verbal feedback. The results are diverse, also in terms of desired self-organised events at the square.
The ideas at a glance: Sports events and "battles" organised by the street workout (calesthenics) and skating community, basketball competitions, art/music/dance/theatre performance, environmental events, discussions on social issues and festive events.
A revised plan for the square redesign includes ideas from skaters and streetworkout actors (calisthenics).The youth initiative has presented the new ideas to the political decision-makers in Menzel Bourguiba. The works to renovate the surface of the square are in progress and implemented by the municipality of Menzel Bourguiba.
For sure, not all ideas can be realized.
According to the priorities of the young people and the costs the negotiations with the city of Menzel Bourguiba are in progress. The city of Stuttgart supporting financially the redesign of the square will as well verify the cost calculations and decide about the grant. (Photos: Plan before and after the survey, sketches of the skaters and street work out initiative-wishes for the redisgn)