How it all started
2018: The first municipal elections in Menzel-Bourguiba, after the arabic revolution, enabled the decision making of the local council. The commitee on youth, leisure, sports and women approved the redesign of the desired square in the centre of the city and a partial funding. The city of Stuttgart Department of External Relations confirmed the financial and moral support of the project.
Rap song „Our time“ an artistic outcome of the training „Local empowerment“, directed by Ben - german participant.
Ben Venuto x Nawel x Mohamed x Mona - Unsere Zeit / وقتنا (WITH SUBTITLES)
2017: During a german-tunisian youth training course „Local Empowerment“ aiming to strengthen local and international youth participation, the project idea “Open space for youth” emerged. The tunisian participants highlighted the need to redesign a public square for sporting and cultural events including environmental aspects. An initial project outline was written, a combination of local activities and an international youth exchange.
The concept of the international meeting intended to boost the youth participation process in Menzel-Bourguiba during the last works at the square and end up with an inauguration party.
The municipalities of Stuttgart (department external relations) and the municipality of Menzel-Bourguiba confirmed willing to support the success of the local project.
During the following months a first plan of the needed infrastructure at the square was developped by the youth initiative in Menzel-Bourguiba.
The training course local empowerment was promoted by Interchange e.V, Stadtjugendring Stuttgart and the municipalities of Stuttgart and Menzel-Bourguiba. Co-funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Municipality of Stuttgart.