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And we continue



In 2019 Réseau Express Jeunes, located in Stuttgart´s twin city Strasbourg, joined the project. As a European NGO focused on social inclusion and youth participation our new partner organisation is enriching our international partnership. The trilateral cooperation creates a framework in which the participating young people can develop a larger Euro-Mediterranean consciousness

In October ´19 a meeting with young people from Menzel-Bourguiba, Stuttgart and Strasbourg from different youth initiatives and youth organisations took place in Menzel Bourguiba.  The project idea could be given concrete. Within a meeting with local authorities and local associations, the young people could share their first ideas on how to guarantee youth participation during the redesign of the square and a sustainable event planning in a large local network of different young people and youth organisations.

The idea of synergy between local and international youth work could be specified.



Insight into the meeting in October 2019


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